This is the 1st party held by my co-workers. We had lunch together at Friday's, Miramar. Thank you for your patience in 2006. I'll work harder to please God and always get ready to face the challenge in 2007.
我不善言詞,但是我樂意分享我的生活。這個 Blogspot 是我生活的點滴,有家人以及朋友作為染料。雖然只是一些照片加上簡短的文字,若是添上您的分享,這個部落格,會更加燦爛。
I'm not good at writing, but I love to share my life with you. It's all about what's happening around my frieds and family in this Blogspot. There are only a few photos and some description beneath them. Feel free to share here and you'll make this blog special!
1 則留言:
Great picture Jason, and happy birthday! Hope you got my e-greeting!